Thursday, January 29, 2004

Interactive Science Site
Kids are curious. They want to know how the world works and why things are they way they are. I found this great interactive site that answers questions that kids may have, and gives some "cool" interesting information that may help to get them interested in science. It promotes differentiated instruction, and touches on many of the multiple intelligences. I thought that it was fantastic.

Cool Science

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Wow! Excellent Health Site for Girls
I am so excited! I just came across an awesome health site for teen girls. It is accurate, informative, and interesting. I would use it as a teacher, but I would definitely have my students check this site out as well. It is meant for kids. It has many different sections, shows pictures, and has quizzes. I think that it is a great place for girls to go if they have questions, or need some clarification on certain things about their bodies, health, or decision making.

4 Girls Health

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Grade 5 Health Resource Site
This site was created by a couple other education students, and myself. We made it in ECMP 355 (2001). It looks at each of the units that should be covered in grade 5 health, and has a few lesson plans for each unit. It includes the foundational objectives, and a link to the evergreen curriculum. The number of lesson plans is not sufficient to teach the whole unit, they are just example lesson plans to get you started.
Grade 5 Health Resource

Monday, January 26, 2004

Making Science Fun!
When students encounter new information, they need to make a personal connection and apply it to something that they already know. Many of the students who dislike science, are not able to make this type of connection. It is a teachers' responsibility to find ways to explain concepts so that they make sense to students. I found this great site that explains the science behind amusement park rides. It is very interesting ... and the amusement park aspect will have students hooked!
Amusement Park Site

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Just In Case You Don't Have all the Answers...
Kids have a lot of questions when it comes to their bodies and sexual health. Sometimes as teachers, we do not know all the answers ... or we may know the answer, but we can not put it in just the right way. I came across this fantastic site. It has answers to pretty much every question you could ever ask about relationships, general health, sexuality and sexual health. The problem with it is that it is a university site, so there is some stuff that is not appropriate for youth. Therefore, I would recommend using it as a resource, but not sharing the site with students. Who knows ... you may learn something new ... check it out!

Go Ask Alice

Monday, January 19, 2004

Multiple Intelligences
Today in my ECMP class, Julie Machnaik, the Instructional Approaches Consultant for the Regina Public School Board, gave a presentation on the Multiple Intelligences. Ever since I heard about Gardner's MI theory in an EPS class, I have been very interested in it. So often, schools put the main educational emphasis on the linguistic and mathematical areas. It is important that teachers recognize that each type of intelligence is as important as the next, and that they provide opportunities for students to work in the areas that they are very skilled in, but also develop the areas that they are not as skilled in. Julie talked about MI/ TI/ DI (Multiple Intelligences, Technological Integration, and Differentiated Instruction). Her site has so many great links for teachers to use to ensure that they are making the MI/ TI/ DI connection. It is fantastic!

Multiple Intelligences

A great site that I found by surfing the above site was BrainPOP. It has the coolest movies that teach students about all kinds of different things in each subject area. I love it!


Saturday, January 17, 2004

Who Doesn't Love Poetry?
Language Arts was always one of my favorite subjects in school, and it is also one of my favorites to teach. I especially love to teach poetry. I came across these great sites the other day, and thought I would share them. The first is a great site for both students and teachers. It shows examples of the many different types of poems, and defines each type. Students could use these when they are writing poetry, to experiment with different styles that they may not have thought to try. This site would be good for middle years students, right up to high school students and adults. The second site is awesome. It has so many poems that kids would love to read, and it also has a teachers section that talks about how to incorporate poetry into the curriculum. This site would probably be best for elementary level students.
Types of Poetry
Poems for Kids

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Excellent Health Sites!
The subject area that I am most interested in is Health. I also feel as though this is one of the most neglected subject areas in most classrooms, regardless of the amount of time that is allotted for it by the curriculum guide. I think that students need to have access to accurate and honest information, and these excellent sites can help to provide this. The first is a very informative site about eating disorders. It is the best site on this topic that I have ever seen. The second is a great site for parents, teachers, and students. It has a separate section for kids, and for teens that is very easy to understand and answers questions that many young people may have about their bodies, and general health. I hope that these are useful.
Anred (Eating Disorders)
Kids Health

Thursday, January 08, 2004

What Role Does Technology Have?
In order for technology to be integrated effectively into our schools, "...people must be comfortable with it's use." This article makes recommendations regarding the role that technology can have in restructuring schools. It also discusses the implications for these recommendations. It is very interesting and informative and highlights many important realities. Worth checking out!
The Role of Technology

Now ... Let's Try This Blogging Stuff
Integrating technology into a classroom can be a scary thought for those who aren't very familiar with how to do so. Well ... have no fears, this website has a bunch of great ideas on how to incorporate powerpoint, hyperstudio, and webpages. It also gives ideas for each subject area on how you can add in the 'oh so important' element of technology. Hope this is useful!
Technology Integration Ideas!

Monday, January 05, 2004

Well ... this is my first time trying out this blogging stuff. Seems pretty cool. Hopefully I will have something more interesting to say in my next entry. Something educational and informative perhaps. We'll see.