Monday, January 19, 2004

Multiple Intelligences
Today in my ECMP class, Julie Machnaik, the Instructional Approaches Consultant for the Regina Public School Board, gave a presentation on the Multiple Intelligences. Ever since I heard about Gardner's MI theory in an EPS class, I have been very interested in it. So often, schools put the main educational emphasis on the linguistic and mathematical areas. It is important that teachers recognize that each type of intelligence is as important as the next, and that they provide opportunities for students to work in the areas that they are very skilled in, but also develop the areas that they are not as skilled in. Julie talked about MI/ TI/ DI (Multiple Intelligences, Technological Integration, and Differentiated Instruction). Her site has so many great links for teachers to use to ensure that they are making the MI/ TI/ DI connection. It is fantastic!

Multiple Intelligences

A great site that I found by surfing the above site was BrainPOP. It has the coolest movies that teach students about all kinds of different things in each subject area. I love it!



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