Monday, March 15, 2004

Teen Health Resource
BodyTeen is a great resource site for teens, that deals with nearly every aspect of health and the human body. Teens can get information on anatomy, eating disorders, exercise, nutrition, drugs, gangs, suicide, mental health, pregnancy, rape and sexual assault, STDs, violence, sleep, and many other topics.

I would give this web address to students at the beginning of the year. They would be able to use it as a resource when doing assignments, or they can simply look for information on things that they may be interested in, or are wondering about. One idea that I have is to have students do presentations on each of the main areas that are outlined by the graphics on the main page (the 14 areas). Students could use the information (and search for other information) and create a webpage/ video/ powerpoint/ or other type of class presentation that would be constructive and engaging.

My favorite part of this site is the Amazing Facts section. You can get facts about the brain, nerves, circulatory system, skeleton, senses, skin, muscles, hair, etc.. I love interesting facts, and I usually put one up on the board each morning when I am teaching.


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