Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Social Studies Resource
I came across this site while creating my WebQuest. The Atlas of Canada is a very informative and educational site that would be great for students to use to research, or just look for particular facts that they are interested in. It is a government of Canada site, and therefore is very reputable.

I would use this site as a resource for myself when teaching social studies, health or science. I also used this site in my WebQuest, as a starting point for students to find information about Canada. Information can be found on the land, the people, the climate, history, forests, economics, and health in Canada. There are also maps, and quizzes, and Learning Resources, that I believe would be great resources for teachers to use in the classroom. Although this site is not interactive, and constuctivist in itself, the information it provides could be used in a way that would allow students to be active in their own learning. Also, some students love to read factual information, this would be a great site for them to go to.


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