Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Social Studies Resource
I came across this site while creating my WebQuest. The Atlas of Canada is a very informative and educational site that would be great for students to use to research, or just look for particular facts that they are interested in. It is a government of Canada site, and therefore is very reputable.

I would use this site as a resource for myself when teaching social studies, health or science. I also used this site in my WebQuest, as a starting point for students to find information about Canada. Information can be found on the land, the people, the climate, history, forests, economics, and health in Canada. There are also maps, and quizzes, and Learning Resources, that I believe would be great resources for teachers to use in the classroom. Although this site is not interactive, and constuctivist in itself, the information it provides could be used in a way that would allow students to be active in their own learning. Also, some students love to read factual information, this would be a great site for them to go to.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Sexual Health Resource Site for Kids!
This is a great health site for students to learn about puberty, STDs and other aspects of sexual health. It provides students with the facts, and also has a live teen forum. There is a parent section, that would also be useful for teachers. I believe that this site is very current, and useful. It even provides questions for teens to ask a tattoo artist or body piercer. This site talks about prevention of STDs, and how to make sex "safer." It also provides a very thorough glossary that would be extremely useful for students and teachers. I love this site!

I Wanna Know

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Children Canada
I came across this site while doing a search for anxiety disorders for a class project. This is an awesome site that kids can go to, to learn about things such as health, family, sports, entertainment, computers, society and school. They can get answers to their questions, and relieve some of their concerns. Each section has many links to other great sites. For example, the Family section has links to "Kids With Single or Working Parents" and "Things to Expect When Your Mom is Pregnant." My favorite section was the Health section. I found a bunch of great information on children with anxiety disorders by going to the links in this section.

Children Canada

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Childrens' Search Engine
I don't know about you ... but sometimes I do a search in google, or yahoo, and I end up with something that I definitely was not looking for. I remember hearing about Yahooligans a long time ago, but then I forgot about it until recently. Yahooligans is a search engine for kids. I tried a bunch of searches on a variety of topics, and all of the results seemed to be really good sites. When I was interning, all of the kids used google or ask jeeves. I think that Yahooligans is a safer way for kids to search, and I will definitely use this search engine when I teach. Try it out! I found a bunch of cool interactive sites by using this engine.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Cool Math!
I have never liked math. It stresses me out, and basically drives me crazy! But I suppose, that sometimes it can be cool. A lot of kids get frustrated when doing math, and they do not experience it as fun. I found this interactive site that has a bunch of cool math games, and some of them are actually quite fun! Lemonade stand is my personal favorite, because of the real life application. This site involves many different types of problem solving, and also involves many of the multiple intelligences. It has a teacher and parent section, and includes lessons as well as games. The only thing that I found annoying on this site was the commercial aspect. There are ads for the sponsors on every page. If you ignore these, however, the site is really good.

Cool Math